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"A Better You Begins Today."

The NSDC would like to say thank you to the women of Dennery who came out in great numbers to register for the General Maintenance course as part of the Women in Equality and Empowerment program . We understand that by uplifting the moral and advancing the skills of our women, brings us one step closer to the status of true independence.

The General Maintenance course offered is best suited to empower you and the new found skills in Plumbing, Electrical and Construction make it easier to maintain your household. The certificate issued as part of this program is the CVQ ( Caribbean Vocational Qualification) which permits the free movement of qualified persons within the CSME states.

The National Skills Development Centre (NSDC) rewarded trainees who completed its latest certificate program last week. A graduation ceremony, culminated with the alumna attaining their certificates in technical vocation fields. The agency says certification is becoming an important asset in the region-wide job market.

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