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Networking is an integral job searching skill. Very often one’s ability to network determines how quickly they secure a job. Career experts estimate that the vast majority of job openings are never advertised or publicly announced, but are filled through networking. This skill that is used by most successful people is based on the idea that you can earn the trust of a number of people who know you personally.


Developing network relationships

To develop networking relationships, you must be:

  • A people person

  • Willing to get involved, and

  • To participate in formal and informal activities


Source of network contacts

In order to network effectively, one must seek to constant create new contacts.

Here is a list of common sources of networking contacts: 

  • Family members and friends

  • Neighbours

  • Former employers

  • Faculty of previous learning institution attended

  • Graduates of any school you have attended

  • Trade and professional associations

  • Community groups

  • Churches

  • Career fairs

  • Service organisations, Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis etc.

  • Workshops and seminars

  • Political Leaders

  • Social media


Maintaining networking contacts 

To develop and maintain social contacts, it is necessary to possess good human relations skills. If one is unable to get along with others, you will find it difficult to advance your career. In fact human relations skills, or the ability to get along with others, benefit you in many aspects of your life.


Winning friends and influence people

Dale Carnegie in the book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’

According to Carneigie the essential theme was that the way to success is through winning the co-operation of others. He added

  • Make others feel important through a sincere appreciation of their efforts.

  • Strive to make a good first impression

  • Win people to your way of thinking by letting others do the talking, being sympathetic, and “never telling a man he is wrong”

  • Change people by praising their good traits and give the offender the opportunity to save face.

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